Wednesday, August 5, 2015


My husband always says, when it comes to age, "it's not so much the model as it is the mileage". Disabilty is non-discriminitory about who it affects, in the areas of age OR size.  The word "disabled" is self-explanatory:  it indicates that a person is no longer able to do certain 'normal' activities that most people do with ease.....and the list is endless.  My own disabilities include Arthritis/severe Degenerative Joint Disease, as well as severe clinical depression, anxiety/anger disorder, and a mild form of bi-polarism.  Many people thumb their noses at these types of disablities, but let me tell you, they are very real, and they are VERY disabling.  More recently, I am a cancer survivor, but chemo treatments left me with some nerve damage and worsened my joint problems.

I have had a weight problem all my life.  A lot of people sneer at over-weight people who use walkers, electric powerchairs, or grocery store scooters, because they automatically label them with two words: fat and lazy.  Please don't be ignorant.  You don't personally know that person, and you have no clue what their daily life is like, nor do you know the reason they are in the physical shape they are in.  It's as if some people think a person doesn't deserve to buy groceries because they are overweight, like they should just resign from public view and sit in their house, and survive on water until they lose all that disgusting weight, and THEN they should be allowed back out in public to buy groceries, or eat in a restaraunt.  That's stupidity, and there is no reason for that kind of meanness.

I realize there are a lot of people who "milk the system".  I can only speak for myself.  I worked for over 25 yrs, and every cent I draw now, is mine. I put that away out of my hard earned paychecks each and every week since I was 15 yrs old.  YOU are not supporting me.  Yes, I stay home now, I'd like to know how that's anybody's business but mine.  Yes Im on the computer a lot, again, my business only.  My husband is fed home cooked meals, my dogs are well taken care of, I do laundry, I shop for groceries, I keep my house clean, and I do every bit of it 95% of the time in a lot of pain.  I use the grocery store scooters because they are provided for disabled people like myself, who cannot walk or stand for lengthy periods, not because I am fat and/or too lazy to walk.  The surgeon who will do my double knee replacement says that I have the knees of a 100 yr old woman, I have zero cartilage left.  Yes my weight makes it harder on me, but what should I do, just lop it all off with a machete?  I didn't put it on overnight.  I don't make excuses for my weight, I've done it to myself, but I constantly struggle to overcome it.  If I drop down to 100 lbs, my cartilage will still not grow back.

Bottom line is this:  Instead of pointing your self-righteous finger at people YOU deem not "disabled looking", try climbing down off your judgemental high horse and ask them if you can help them reach that package on the top shelf, or set that heavy case of water in their basket for them.  Don't judge a book by it's cover.  Afterall, YOU don't look at all like a rude impetuous jerk


College student Julie McGovern was issued a handicapped parking pass years ago due to a chronic illness that leaves her unable to stand or walk for long periods of time. But because she doesn’t require crutches or a wheelchair, she often feels uncomfortable using it.
She recently explained her feelings on social media:
"Today my worst fear came true. So many emotions flooded my mind. I was hurt, I was angry, I wanted my voice to be heard, but this person is a coward and could not tell me what he/she thought to my face. This person incorrectly perceived my situation, because it is impossible for someone my age to have an illness. This person doesn’t know me or my struggles. They don’t know what this illness has taken from me. They don’t see the countless nights I cry myself to sleep, soaking my pillow with tears, pleading – praying for God to heal me. They don’t see the weakness, the pain, the symptoms that are very real, but only I can feel. They don’t understand, and until it happens to them they never will.”

The young Arkansas woman suffers from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, known as POTS – one of a number of serious afflictions known as ‘invisible’ diseases.   POTS can cause McGovern’s blood pressure to drop to dangerously low levels and her heart rate to speed up.
“A handicap comes in all shapes and sizes. Don’t judge someone by the way they look. If you are unsure, approach me and ask me about my illness. I am always happy to share my story and raise awareness, because if it reaches even one life or inspires one person, or helps many more, it was worth it.”
According to the Invisible Disabilities Association, 26 million Americans suffer from severe disabilities, while only about 7 million require a cane, crutches, wheelchair or walker.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The REAL reason

I recently read an article with the headline  "Nearly every mass shooting in the last 20 years shares one surprising thing… and it's not guns".  It was written by a gun rights advocate.  Now, I too am a gun rights advocate.....but this man took the blame off of one thing that isnt responsible, and put it on another thing that isn't neccearily responsible. The article makes statements such as.....
The overwhelming evidence points to the single largest common factor in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes

I disagree with the insinuation of this article's writer, that psych drugs caused all these tragedies, stating that they are the "real reason why mass shootings are taking place" .....They most certainly are not.....the REAL REASON why a person walks into a church or school and commits mass murder is SATAN, a very real and very powerful force.  It's absolutely ludicrous to insinuate that everyone who takes psych meds is a danger to society and capable of commiting such evil acts as we have seen in recent years.

 I agree, the perpetrators of these crimes have mental problems- sane and rational thinking people don't do these things. And I also believe that the drugs might play a part in their actions- ONLY because they were the wrong medication or the wrong dosage for that particular person.

I have been on psych meds for 10 yrs, taking most of the ones listed in this article at one time or another, because I have clinical depression and anxiety disorder, as well as a mild form of bi-polar disorder.  I have NEVER even entertained the idea of taking another person's life, and I am insulted that this man would put me and many other people (a lot of whom I know and love) in the same category with the likes of James Holmes, Adam Lanza, or Dylann Roof. Millions of people are treated with psych medications. If they alone caused people to go off their rocker and do stuff like this, it would be happening every minute of every day.

My life is a lot more manageable and I am a LOT happier since I was properly diagnosed and put on the proper meds to treat my conditions. "Mental disorder" does not mean crazy or means you have a medical condition that just happens to be in your brain. It was BEFORE I was diagnosed and treated that I acted crazy and was miserable, and could have very well hurt myself or someone else. I thank GOD for doctors and medication