Monday, January 13, 2014

Praise is.......

The debate about the right or wrong of certain 'activities' such as dancing, entertainment, consuming of certain beverages, etc in a Christian's lifestyle  goes on and on, and has about as many different opinions as there are stars in the sky.  When it comes down to it, however, the ONLY "opinion" on these matters, uh, matters- and that is what GOD says about it.  The rule of thumb for us as Christians to live by, in ANY area, is very simple really.....I know it's corny cliche now, but, WWJD???  Seriously, think about this.....that movie you're watching- would Jesus choose to watch it?  Would he "express" himself the way you do?  Would he spend his leisure time the way you do, enjoy the same activities you do? 

On another note (but actually the same), the subject of praise:  When people start voicing their opinions on the right and wrongs of praise, it can get downright hilarious!!  Church A thinks anything that is not in a hymnal is of the devil.   Church B thinks everything IN the hymnal is boring and obsolete, so they trash them!   Church C has 'watchers' to make sure no one 'gets out of hand' in their exuberance, and if there is an incident, the offender is quietly escorted to a side room for counseling....... while Church D's praise portion of the service somewhat resembles a combination of a rock concert / hip-hop convention / and the home stadium, seconds after a Super Bowl win! 
Who's right?  Who's wrong? Again- what does GOD say about this?  Praise is, after all, about HIM.....not for OUR entertainment, right?

Hebrews 12: 28 says Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.

Hebrews 13:8 says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.......

Biblical worship (yesterday) was reverent, was jubilant, yes!  It was joyful, it was celebrative, yes it was!  BUT, it was never lewd, suggestive, or resembled a drunken frat party in any way. 

Heavenly worship (forever) will be the same.  It is a level of reverence and holiness, and breathtaking awe such as no one has ever seen or heard! 

So doesn't it stand to reason that God intends for our praise and worship of him (today) follow the same standards?  Can you honestly see some of the ridiculousness that goes on in some church circles today, going on around the throne of God almighty?!  I highly doubt that David, or the crowds of worshipers who welcomed Jesus into the city were emulating the latest popular dance craze of their day to entertain the crowds.  Their focus, the object of their affection was The LORD!  Their physical praise was nothing more than an expression of the joy in their hearts, it was pure, it was as innocent as the excitement a small child exudes when their father comes into view after a long absence, and it would have never been anything else.  THAT is godly praise- the love a child of God displays who adores their Father.