Monday, September 29, 2014

Polly want a cracker?

I will be frowned upon for this blog, but I dont care anymore.  I am fully aware that children CAN be saved and even spirit filled at a young age....and I believe in the anointing of the Holy Ghost, I believe in the joy of the Lord, in shouting and dancing before the Lord.  I was raised in Pentecost, I am Holy Ghost filled, and I DO speak in tongues....... But that is not what this blog is about at the moment.

I know this is a child, and right now, he doesn't realize that this is NOT how you "become a preacher"- and a lot of folks think he's just playing- but I can assure you, this is a huge problem in the church world.  He is being encouraged and allowed to put on this learned show in church, while the adults responsible for teaching him reverence stand around and holler and urge him on, probably patting him on the head and showing him off, telling him how 'anointed' he is. This right here, is why the church is so full of sin. People learning and rehearsing religious acts, as kids and even as teenages and adults, more than having a REAL encounter with a life-changing GOD.  It is a mockery!

This clip of Tyler Perry "preaching" and then laying hands on TD Jakes, is so typical. He sounds and looks, word for word, gasp for gasp, pause for pause, and gesture for gesture, just exactly like TD Jakes.....just exactly like this kid here probably started his "sermon" with, before he elevated to the level he was rolling with in the video. And all the while, off the stage and out of the limelight, he (Perry) was shacking up with his girlfriend and ultimately getting her pregnant with his illigetimate child- He was asked about the pregnancy at a movie premiere, and reponded "yes! yes, and we're very excited about it, very excited.".....very excited?  about being a fornicator and fathering a child out of wedlock, while claiming to be a spirit filled man of GOD???

There are thousands of people all over America mostly, who act like this child here, as well as like Tyler Perry, in the pulpits AND in the pews on Sundays, but yet they're addicted to porn, living a homosexual life style, fathering illigetimate kids left and right, having affairs, drinkin & clubbin & dopin, and all sorts of other perversions......

but the MAIN problem is, they are UN-REPENTANT of these things, continuing in them rebeliously, and celebrating their sin!  And all the while, doing their "holy dances", speaking "in tongues", slapping each other on the head and falling out, and blowing up sound system speakers with their "anointing", each and every Sunday.....

2 Timothy 3:1-5  "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; (5) Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."
Vs 5 - They’ll make a show of religion, but behind the scenes they’re animals. Stay clear of these people. (The Message)
 Vs 5They will appear to have a godly life, but they will not let its power change them. Stay away from such people. (God's Word translation)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Train your brain, or seek the Lord?


This is NOT another "bash Joel Osteen" blog/post/article
I was however, greatly disturbed by reading the above article, especially by this sentence:

"When you get up in front of people, believe that they want to hear you. Act like they like you" - Joel Osteen

My thoughts on it?  I find it tragic and sad that this man, who claims to be a Pastor, first of all, believes that the crowds come to hear him, because they like him.  And secondly, how he talked about preparing for his sermons, as if they were a meticulously rehearsed speech- which they are apparently.  Ministers of the gospel are supposed to be vessels, through which the Holy Spirit of GOD moves in order to touch lives.  They are his "mouth piece".  A preachers MESSAGE was never meant to be their message at all- it was meant to be a message from GOD, delivered to his people, through his servant.  God will not be limited to an exact time frame, nor can the word he he wants given to those particular people in that particular meeting be "learned, and rehearsed".  And if people go to church only to hear the speaker, because they like the speaker, rather than to hear a word from the LORD that will draw them closer to him, then they've missed one of the most important reasons of going to church.....or even a gathering in a stadium, if it's supposed to be a worship gathering.

Joel Osteen proves in this interview, that he is nothing more than a public motivational speaker- the words he recites to people may well be very inspiring, very helpful, very motivational......but they are NOT the gospel message of GOD.  Oh his speeches may have just enough religious catch-phrases, and even a few scriptures thrown in so that he can still string along the millions of Christian people who are wooed by his positive flesh-petting words, but they do not carry a message of sin and redemption, of conviction and repentance, of consecration, change, separation, or anything else in the word of God that might offend or cause the listener to be uncomfortable in any way. 

It has been said that God's anointing must be upon Joel Osteen, because he pastors the largest church in America.  Large crowds of followers are not an indication of the anointing of God, according to the Bible.  However, what it DOES say about the true prophets, the true proclaimers of the gospel message, was that they were stoned, they were ridiculed and hated, they were imprisoned......even tortured and crucified.  Large crowds were spoken of in the Bible though..... in Matthew 7:14, Jesus said "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it."
It's an ironic thing, that in the very next verse, he warned "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves"

While Joel Osteen might be sincere in his desire to help people, and while he may not be an evil person, he IS claiming to be a Pastor, and that if people will follow his message of positive thinking and living, it will lead them to heaven- and THAT makes him spiritually, a false prophet- a danger to one's eternal soul, because he causes them to believe a lie......and for those that have believed in his message only, they are following a wrong path that will end in eternal destruction.  The Lord is not returning for a church that is positive, successful, and happy- he is coming for a church that is looking for him, a bride who has made herself ready, has turned her back on sin, has been washed in the blood of the lamb, and forsaken the world to follow him.

Oil and water do not mix.  While the speeches that Joel Osteen gives about thinking positively and looking for happiness and success in life may not be particularly evil, they are NOT the message of a Pastor- or evangelist/minister.  He does not preach the whole truth of the gospel, and that has resulted in millions of "Christians" who remain the same spiritually after their "conversions" and who do not worship the God of the Bible, but who worship the god of self who has been lifted high upon the alter of Lakewood church