"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." Ecclesiastes 12:13
This is one of my favorite scriptures in the whole Bible, because it is short and to the point, and very clear, and you can't twist or argue with it!
"Let us hear the CONCLUSION, of the whole MATTER..." - the conclusion: the "bottom line" in other words. The "to sum it all up", the "in a nutshell"...of the whole matter: the whole matter is LIFE, the "whole ball of wax"....so, this sentence could quite possibly be translated, "when it's (life) all said and done (concluded)"....the whole duty of man- the "only point" of his existence, the "only reason for his being created in the first place"....to FEAR God. We know that whenever the Bible talks about "fearing" God, it is referring to a HOLY fear, a hushed trembling, an ultimate respect, a guarded reverence. Not a terrified, paralyzing fear- Not for his children anyway. My cousin recently stated "we are all God's creation, but we are NOT all God's children." This of course goes against the popular theory of the world, or the carnal-minded church, but it is exactly what the Word of God says. Over and over, the Bible very clearly points out that some are God's children, and some are not. For those who are not his children, the Bible says that it IS a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. However, for those that belong to Him, we have nothing to be terrified or afraid of him for. We FEAR (respect, reverence) him because we know his power, in his light, in his presence, we see how unworthy we are without the righteous covering of the blood of Jesus, which has made us worthy to stand in his Holy presence, and that is the most humbling of experiences. It is an amazing thing to me, how some people DARE to attempt to enter His throne room and 'worship' him, when they have just come from wallering around in the filthy pigpen of sin and rebellion...and the only part of them that is covered by the blood of Jesus is their feet because they have trampled through it on their way there! "to fear God, AND keep his commandments" - a lot of people can't even manage the first thing, much less the second. If there is no fear of God, no reverence and respect for his holiness and his law, then there is no regard for his commandments either. Therefore, when we stand before God, will he call us "faithful", because he sees only the blood of Jesus and HIS righteousness covering us? Or will we be a stench in his nostrils because we stink from being covered in the slop of doing things OUR way, of going through life seeing how much sinful garbage we can roll around in and STILL "make it to Heaven"? Will we have respected and reverenced God enough on this earth to have obeyed him, and therefore fulfilled our ONLY duty in life....when it's all said and done?
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