The overwhelming evidence points to the single largest common factor in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes
I disagree with the insinuation of this article's writer, that psych drugs caused all these tragedies, stating that they are the "real reason why mass shootings are taking place" .....They most certainly are not.....the REAL REASON why a person walks into a church or school and commits mass murder is SATAN, a very real and very powerful force. It's absolutely ludicrous to insinuate that everyone who takes psych meds is a danger to society and capable of commiting such evil acts as we have seen in recent years.
I agree, the perpetrators of these crimes have mental problems- sane and rational thinking people don't do these things. And I also believe that the drugs might play a part in their actions- ONLY because they were the wrong medication or the wrong dosage for that particular person.
I have been on psych meds for 10 yrs, taking most of the ones listed in this article at one time or another, because I have clinical depression and anxiety disorder, as well as a mild form of bi-polar disorder. I have NEVER even entertained the idea of taking another person's life, and I am insulted that this man would put me and many other people (a lot of whom I know and love) in the same category with the likes of James Holmes, Adam Lanza, or Dylann Roof. Millions of people are treated with psych medications. If they alone caused people to go off their rocker and do stuff like this, it would be happening every minute of every day.
My life is a lot more manageable and I am a LOT happier since I was properly diagnosed and put on the proper meds to treat my conditions. "Mental disorder" does not mean crazy or means you have a medical condition that just happens to be in your brain. It was BEFORE I was diagnosed and treated that I acted crazy and was miserable, and could have very well hurt myself or someone else. I thank GOD for doctors and medication