Do you believe a TRUE born again believer should sniff glue/paint? NO??? Why not? Nowhere in the Bible does it say that it's a sin to huff, does it?
Do you believe a TRUE born again believer should snort coke? NO??? Why not? Nowhere in the Bible does it say that it's a sin to snort coke, does it?
Do you believe a TRUE born again believer should do speed? NO??? Why not? Nowhere in the Bible does it say that it's a sin to do speed, does it?
Do you believe a TRUE born again believer should smoke pot? NO??? Why not? Nowhere in the Bible does it say that it's a sin to smoke pot, does it?
The Bible doesn't mention any of these substances by name, does it? But, common sense dictates that we as Christians (followers of CHRIST) should refrain from inhaling, injecting, snorting, or swallowing any of them- why? Because they are harmful to brain cells and other bodily organs, they are mind-altering, they cause a person to do stupid and careless things which can result in serious injury or death (either to themselves or other innocent people), they are addicting which most times leads to financial ruin and the destruction of family and other relationships.... But, what if a person only occasionally engages in these, or other, drugs? You know, just a little, maybe on the weekends, or after a hard day, just to relax and take the edge off? Do you believe it's OK for a Christian then? NO??? Why? Because of the reasons I just mentioned? Everybody knows Christians of ALL people shouldn't do drugs! And, playing with a small match can lead to a raging forest fire, right?
Do YOU believe a TRUE born again believer should drink alcohol? YES??? You DO?! Ohhhh, cause, in the Bible, it says just a little is OK, as long as you don't get rip-roaring drunk, right???
So, according to the BIBLE, it's OK for a TRUE born again Christian believer to drink....just a little, maybe on the weekends, or after a hard day, just to relax and take the edge off?.....
Nothing wrong with enjoying a couple of margaritas at your favorite Mexican restaurant, right? Or, throwing back 3 or 4 cold ones with your friends at the Saturday BBQ, or "relaxing" with 2 or 3 glasses of your favorite wine while out with the girls on Friday night?
A BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) of .08 is considered legally drunk in the US. A person weighing 140 lbs with a BAC of .07-.09 will experience: slight impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Euphoria. Judgment and self-control are reduced, and caution, reason and memory are impaired
Call me paranoid, but I'm not comfortable approaching an intersection at the same time as someone in the following "not slobbering drunk but still Biblically allowable" condition.....
3 12oz beers - .08 BAC
2 margaritas - .08 BAC
2 frozen daiquiris - .13 BAC
The same conviction, and common sense reasoning that keeps you, as a CHRISTIAN (follower of CHRIST) from being a recreational drug user, should (it SHOULD) cause you to want to leave the alcohol alone! A N Y T H I N G that might (even only slightly) impair your vision, hearing, reaction time, caution, reason... should not be a part of a TRUE born again Christian believer's life- WHY??? Because wiping out a pregnant woman and her 2 other children is not pleasing to GOD.....and yes, there have been MANY fatality accidents where the driver's BAC was .08 or slightly above, check the statistics. I wonder if the driver of THIS car was just driving home from lunch with friends....